The new SpiritWear store is officially open! Head over to our vendor store at neverboard.shop/collections/voorheesville-pta to snag all sizes of the super popular gradient and faded hoodies that sold out fast during the open house—now restocked! 💛
Limited sizes are also available on our givebacks site: Voorheesville.givebacks.com/store. Don’t wait—grab yours before they’re gone!
Where can I buy spiritwear during the year?
At Fall Open Houses, at specific events during the year, the online store, or the Voorheesville Farmer’s
Market PTA booth on Wednesdays, 3:30 – 6:30 from June – Sept.
How does the Online Spiritwear store work?
The PTA opens the online store a few times a year. We send out district messenger emails when it is
open. The store link is: https://neverboard.shop/collections/voorheesville-pta. We collect all the
orders, then our supplier places a bulk order. We notify customers when orders come in and when and
where to pick them up.
What if I miss picking up my online order or I cannot make the pick up day/time?
Orders not picked up can usually be delivered through the teachers/staff offices at the schools, but
please make an effort to get your order, as we cannot accommodate delivering all the orders this way.
I ordered the wrong size. Can I make an exchange?
We do not carry everything in the online store, but if we have the item and size in our stock, we can
make an exchange. Size charts are located in the online descriptions of the items for your reference.
Contact vspiritwear@gmail.com about exchanges.
What if my online order is incorrect or is missing an item?
Notify us immediately at vspiritwear@gmail.com and we will contact the supplier to get your order
I represent a booster club/class/alumni group/sports group/etc. and want to request a donation of
spiritwear items for my fundraiser, what do I do?
Please contact ptaofficers@voorheesvillepta.org with your request so the executive committee can
evaluate the request. If approved, the PTA can donate spiritwear items once per year for a group.
How do I use a gift certificate I received for spiritwear?
Present your certificate at any in person event and pick out an item. If you would like to use it toward an
online store purchase, please contact vspiritwear@gmail.com.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Cash, check made out to Voorheesville PTA or credit card. We do not have Venmo.
How can I volunteer to help with spiritwear?
Contact vspiritwear@gmail.com or come to a PTA meeting