Fall Spiritwear

Post date: Nov 02, 2017 5:3:22 PM

It is hard to believe, but it is time to start thinking about the holidays and colder weather! This year, you can prepare for both by ordering some Voorheesville Spiritwear. There are a lot of exciting options for 2017 ranging from hoodies and jackets to lanyards and headbands and a lot more in between.

All orders are due by Wednesday, November 15. Cash or checks are accepted, checks should be made out to Voorheesville PTA. To place an order, please fill out the order form and submit with payment in an envelope marked “Spiritwear/PTA VES, ATT: Sara Martin”. Orders will be available for pick up on December 18th at the elementary school.

Please see the attached order form for details and information or contact Sara with questions - spiritwearvcs@gmail.com